Wednesday, 6 April 2016

That lovely Dorset field shot - rich deep vibrant colours under a moving sky

This is image number 11 for my page dedicated to Dorset Photography. A picture of a field near Winterbourne Abbas, outside Dorchester on the A35 to Exeter.

Now believe it or not I have photographed this field a lot. It is not one of your classic Dorset pictures - it could be anywhere, but no I like it as it represents part of Dorset to me. Dorset landscape photography is not just landmarks, for me it is also the details within the overall landscape as well.

I like the textures and shapes in this field.

I have delibarately added a heavy vignette to this shot, as i wanted something sytlised to go amongst the othe pictures of Dorset. Something a little bit different.

The common theme running through all my pictures of Dorset I have just realised is the richness and depth of the colours within each image which I like a lot.

Thats all from me for today - I must go and get another lovely rich Dorset image to make up the set of twelve pictures of Dorset, which I will post tomorrow, then it is back to my portfolio via a number of Nik software related diversions!

Call back tomorrow at for Doset image number 12

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