Monday, 4 April 2016

Nik Software - now free???? A gift from Google!

Really, the Nik software collection is being given away by Google.


No idea.

But go to this page and download it yourself

I use Lightroom as the starting point in my digital workflow. Photos are imported into Lightroom and organised there.

I do 90% of my processing in Lightroom.The other 10% is in Photoshop.

I also have the following software

Topaz Labs

On One


I honestly have never used any of these much, and do not have the patience to learn them properly, so no fault on the software providers for my lack of their use.

I just did not get on with them.

As for the Nik Collection? Well I have downloaded, and will give it a go, and make a further post with some work produced using this software.

Am I excited?

Yes. Very . I am disappointingly surprisingly so excited!

The collection consists of the following

Analog Efex Pro

Color Efex Pro

Silver Efex Pro


HDR Efex Pro

Sharpener Pro


What do they all do? Don’t know, but Scott Kelby was quick off the mark as he has a class called, subtly

“Rockin’ The Free Nick Collection of Plug-ins”. I guess he knew this giveaway was coming.

Having listened to the class I know what I want to try, basically the black and white conversion in Silver Efex Pro that I knew about, and a couple of finishing tricks - not much really. I guess that is why I did not get on with the other plug-ins - i did not know what to do with them.

Check out his blog post which I will read to rather than try to come up with stuff my self at

Go to for the class (subscribers only but you get a free trial I think).

Still I am pleased that I am at the cutting edge of photography news, bang up to date with all that is new!

So thanks for reading this post, and I look forward to writing about my Nik software experience so pop back to my blog tomorrow at for another post maybe about this software, maybe not.....


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