Monday, 11 April 2016

Photography Portfolio – Day 1 – Ending up with me finding out I am not on Wikipedia! Neither is Industrial Photography!!

Today I start working on the images for my new portfolio for submission to the BIPP for hopefully upgrading my membership status to Associate.

According to the BIPP, Associate is defined as
“Associateship (ABIPP)
A high standard of craftsmanship and creative ability”

“My current level is licentiateship - (LBIPP)
Entry level qualification, showing an established professional level of skill and competence”

I achieved this in 2014. You can view the BIPP website at

I am a believer in professional qualifications. My MCIOB (Member of the Chartered Institute of Building) has served me well over the many years since I achieved this key professional status.

Licentiateship gave me the confidence that I was at a professional standard, and Associate is my aim, after two years of hard but enjoyable work.

So I need to get my portfolio polished, finished and issued. So forgive me but I will write pretty much about the set of 30 images I am going to produce until I am done. As I wrote about in an earlier post, 

I am concentrating on the following areas
Architectural photography
Commercial photography
Industrial photography.

I will have a set of images, and a new set of hope page images, by the end of April 2016. When I say architectural photography I mean photographing buildings, from before they are built to well after they have been built. Any time in the life of a building. I have just done a pre-construciton photography shoot, as well as some virtually completed new houses.

Back to the meaning of architectural photography.

I went to Wikipedia for a definition of architectural photography, and found the following

“Architectural photography is the photographing of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects. Architectural photographers are usually skilled in the use of specialized techniques and equipment.”

Then I thought – what about commercial photography?

Commercial photography is probably best defined as any photography for which the photographer is paid for images rather than works of art. In this light, money could be paid for the subject of the photograph or the photograph itself. Wholesale, retail, and professional uses of photography would fall under this definition

Finally, I tried industrial photography
“The page "Industrial photography" does not exist.”
Oh! Nothing...

Not to worry. I might even start up my own page on Wikipedia. That would be interesting!

Just for fun I checked myself, and guess what…

The page "Rick mcevoy" does not exist
Of course it doesnt. I really might start my own pages. I could be an internet success.

Back to reality. I am going to work on the set of 30 images for submission to the BIPP, starting right now. Please pop back to my blog tomorrow to see if I have produced anything yet!! My full blog can be found at

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