Sunday, 10 April 2016

Pre-construction photography - the art of preciseness and consistency to produce great results

This week I have taken some before shots of a school that is being completely refurbished. The purpose of this construction photography shoot is to record the visual appearance of the main facade before the construction works commence on site, and then capture the works during construction, and finally immediately upon completion. 

These images will tell the story of this considerable financial investment completely transforming a block in the school.

And the key to doing this is, sorry keys to doing this are

1 - Have a consistent workflow

Each set of images will be taken over a period of time, at different times of the day, and no doubt in different weather conditions. 

My strict image capture workflow means that I am able to record the images in exactly the same way each time. 

2 - Take the shots from exactly the same place. 

I do this by recording the exact position of the camera for each shot. Just like this.

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