Friday, 22 April 2016

My brand new Dorset photographer page is now live on my website

Dorset Photographer - Rick McEvoy – High Quality Imagery – High Quality Service

This page is dedicated to my work as a Dorset photographer work. I have included 12 Dorset images on this page which represent the county of Dorset for me.
You can access this page from this link

I have lots more pictures of Dorset – just contact me using the contact form at
You can email or phone me using the details at the top of this and every page on my website.
I regularly update the images on this page, which is pretty much exclusively my Dorset landscape photography work. My commercial work can be viewed on my other pages, along with my photographs taken in Bournemouth, Poole and Sandbanks.

This set of Dorset pictures was assembled on April 2016, and includes the following subjects.

Popular Dorset locations
  • Durdle Door
  • Kimmeridge Bay
  • Bats Head
  • Portland Bill Lighthouse
  • Mupe Bay
  • West bay beach
  • Portland viewed from Ringstead bay
  • The Cove Shop, Lulworth Cove
As well as the following scenes which are not Dorset photography locations specifically, but are nice scenes I have spotted on my travels around this lovely county.
  •  A bight yellow field near Dorchester with tractor trails
  • A field near Winterbourne Abbas with a dreamy sky
  • Moody morning mist in central Dorset
  • Another dreamy shot – this one of a tree lined driveway photographed on a misty morning.

You can purchase any of my Dorset photos, like I said there are lots more photos of Dorset in my collection.

 If you have a specific location that you would like me to photograph get in touch with me. And of course if you require some high quality photography in Dorset then get in touch. I specialise in architectural, commercial and industrial photography, but my photographic skills can be used to capture a broader variety of images.
My photography business is just me – I take all the images and process them myself in Lightroom, Photoshop and the odd extra bit of software. I am fully conversant with all the latest trends techniques and processes in photography. I don’t have the fanciest photography kit on the market, but what I have is pro standard. I have an interesting collection of accessories which enable me to take photographs from different views and angles. I am always trying new things, and my work is fresh and ever evolving.

When you commission me for your photography work one thing you will always get is my passion, drive and enthusiasm for my craft.

Back to Dorset. I am very fortunate to live and work in Dorset, and get a lot of my landscape images when I am travelling around the county doing my regular commercial photography work. I use the photos of Dorset to practise new techniques both in image capture and processing, and any good new things I learn get applied to my commercial work.
 The best place to go to see what I am up to is my blog, which you can get to at I post to my blog every day, often posting new Dorset photography work. I write about photography, my work, what is new in the photography industry, and also offer tips and tricks that I pick up along the way.
 When I post images I often explain my camera settings, and how I have processed the images in Lightroom and Photoshop. I also post experimental work using new techniques and software, so there is always something new to read about.
Search terms - apologies but I have to make a living out of this!!
Dorset photographer
Dorset photography
Dorset images
Dorset pictures
Dorset photos
Photographer Dorset
Dorset landscape photography
Pictures of Dorset
Photographers Dorset
Commercial photographer Dorset
Photographers in Dorset
Dorset photographers
Photography Dorset
Dorset photography locations
Dorset surf photography
Photos of Dorset
Dorset landscape photographer
Dorset landscape photographers

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