Saturday, 30 April 2016

Poole Quay 180 degree Dorset Photographer video

I'm Today on my blog you can view a 15 second 180 degree video of Poole Quay which can be viewed from my blog at  or on my YouTube channel at

I am a photographer in Dorset trying to learn how to do video with just my IPhone!

Friday, 29 April 2016

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Today on my Nik Silver Efex Pro and how it transforms one of my Porfolio Architectural Photography shots.

Today on my blog I talk about Nik Silver Efex Pro and how it transforms one of my Porfolio Architectural Photography shots.

Architectural Photographer Rick McEvoy
Architectural Photographer Rick McEvoy

Architectural photography in Dorset

The journey of an architectural image from RAW file to my Photogrpahy Portfolio

Today on my blog on my Squarespace website I talk about

"From RAW to Portfolio - How that architectural photography of Hamworthy Park Junior School evolved".

The post shows how the starting point of this Dorset architectrual photography image, taken in Poole, Dorset, went from this

Rick McEvoy Architectural Photographer in Dorset
Hamworthy Park Junior School by Rick McEvoy Architectural Photographer in Dorset

To this.
Rick McEvoy Architectural Photographer in Dorset
Hamworthy Park Junior School by Rick McEvoy Architectural Photographer in Dorset

The first image is the correctly exposed, RAW image. The second image is in my portfolio.

So check out my blog at  to read all about how I process my architectural photography work.

Monday, 25 April 2016

New Architectural Photography Image - Winchester School of Art

Today on my main blog you can see the final completed portfolio photograph of Winchester School of Art. This is one of a selection of images of the the University of Southampton I have recently taken.

You can also check out more of my work as an architectural photographer at

New Architectural Photography Image - Winchester School of Art

Today on my main blog you can see the final completed portfolio photograph of Winchester School of Art. This is one of a selection of images of the the University of Southampton I have recently taken.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Black and white architectural photography shot of Winchester School of Art

Today on my blog a great black and white #arxhitecturalphotography shot of Winchester School of Art, part of the University of Southampton #winchesterschoolofart #universityofsouthampton

My brand new Dorset photographer page is now live on my website

Dorset Photographer - Rick McEvoy – High Quality Imagery – High Quality Service

This page is dedicated to my work as a Dorset photographer work. I have included 12 Dorset images on this page which represent the county of Dorset for me.
You can access this page from this link

I have lots more pictures of Dorset – just contact me using the contact form at
You can email or phone me using the details at the top of this and every page on my website.
I regularly update the images on this page, which is pretty much exclusively my Dorset landscape photography work. My commercial work can be viewed on my other pages, along with my photographs taken in Bournemouth, Poole and Sandbanks.

This set of Dorset pictures was assembled on April 2016, and includes the following subjects.

Popular Dorset locations
  • Durdle Door
  • Kimmeridge Bay
  • Bats Head
  • Portland Bill Lighthouse
  • Mupe Bay
  • West bay beach
  • Portland viewed from Ringstead bay
  • The Cove Shop, Lulworth Cove
As well as the following scenes which are not Dorset photography locations specifically, but are nice scenes I have spotted on my travels around this lovely county.
  •  A bight yellow field near Dorchester with tractor trails
  • A field near Winterbourne Abbas with a dreamy sky
  • Moody morning mist in central Dorset
  • Another dreamy shot – this one of a tree lined driveway photographed on a misty morning.

You can purchase any of my Dorset photos, like I said there are lots more photos of Dorset in my collection.

 If you have a specific location that you would like me to photograph get in touch with me. And of course if you require some high quality photography in Dorset then get in touch. I specialise in architectural, commercial and industrial photography, but my photographic skills can be used to capture a broader variety of images.
My photography business is just me – I take all the images and process them myself in Lightroom, Photoshop and the odd extra bit of software. I am fully conversant with all the latest trends techniques and processes in photography. I don’t have the fanciest photography kit on the market, but what I have is pro standard. I have an interesting collection of accessories which enable me to take photographs from different views and angles. I am always trying new things, and my work is fresh and ever evolving.

When you commission me for your photography work one thing you will always get is my passion, drive and enthusiasm for my craft.

Back to Dorset. I am very fortunate to live and work in Dorset, and get a lot of my landscape images when I am travelling around the county doing my regular commercial photography work. I use the photos of Dorset to practise new techniques both in image capture and processing, and any good new things I learn get applied to my commercial work.
 The best place to go to see what I am up to is my blog, which you can get to at I post to my blog every day, often posting new Dorset photography work. I write about photography, my work, what is new in the photography industry, and also offer tips and tricks that I pick up along the way.
 When I post images I often explain my camera settings, and how I have processed the images in Lightroom and Photoshop. I also post experimental work using new techniques and software, so there is always something new to read about.
Search terms - apologies but I have to make a living out of this!!
Dorset photographer
Dorset photography
Dorset images
Dorset pictures
Dorset photos
Photographer Dorset
Dorset landscape photography
Pictures of Dorset
Photographers Dorset
Commercial photographer Dorset
Photographers in Dorset
Dorset photographers
Photography Dorset
Dorset photography locations
Dorset surf photography
Photos of Dorset
Dorset landscape photographer
Dorset landscape photographers

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Black and white conversion of my new Construction Photography Portfolio Image

Today on my blog I write about the black and white conversion of one of my favourite construction photography shots using Nik Silver Efex Pro and it's "Full Spectrum" preset.

Great software, free from Google!!

You can get to my blog at

where I post something photography related every day

I am a photographer based in Dorset specialising in architectural photography, commercial photography and industrial photography

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop and how I produced this construction photography image

Today on my main blog read all about the work done in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop to produce this finished construction photography image.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Construction Photography - the image capture process for Portfolio Image No 1

Horndean Technology College by Rick McEvoy Construction Photographer in Hampshire

So here is the final image

In my blog today at I talk about how I captured this image.

Unlike some suggest, it is a bit more to it than walk up, click, walk away and post the image.

If only it were that simple......

Anyway read the poo to get a few architectural photographer tips and ricks and make sure you pop back yo my blog tomorrow to read about the processing side of the creation of this image of construction photography in Hampshire.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Photograph of a solar farm in Hampshire

Today on my blog at

Read about this image taken at a solar farm in Hampshire

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Architectural photography and industrial photography from a different viewpoint

Today on my blog you can read about my new high level Photogaphy equipment which gives me a higher view of my architectural photography, construction photography and industrial photography subjects.

You can read this post at

Friday, 15 April 2016

New blog post about my new Dorset Photographer page on my website

Check out my new blog post at

Where I write about my brand new Dorset photographer page which is now live on my website at

Featuring 12 of my current favourite pieces of Dorset photography work.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Don't compare your start to someone else's middle

A different post today on my blog at

A short post about one of my favourite sayings

Don't compare your start to someone else's middle

Why not check out my website at

Where you can view examples of my architectural photography, commercial photography, construction photography, industrial photography and property photography

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Construction photography

Today on my main blog at

Is a post about my work as a construction photographer and the work to turn this RAW file into a polished portfolio work of art!!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Photography Portfolio - day 2 - Mastering Adobe Photoshop Adjustment Layers

Adobe Photoshop CC - love it or hate - you will end up there eventually doing adjustment layers!

There a jobs we all love, and those we hate. I love Lightroom, and if I could do all my processing in Lightroom only I would be happy. I can quickly move around the sliders in the Develop Module, and am highly skilled with adjustment brushes, effects etc etc etc.

Adobe Lightroom CC is great.

And now that I have the Nik software I have black and white conversions taken to another level.

I do not like Photoshop editing. I am from the Lightroom version 1 era - I was there at the beginning of Lightroom so Photoshop was always something else.

So most of my work is done in Lightroom. My Lightroom workflow is

  • Import into Lightroom
  • Cull the import
  • Add the chosen images to a collection
  • Keyword/ sort the remaining images
  • Process
  • Output/ Publish

This is the simplified version, but that is the main steps. You get the idea.

And if I want a black and white I go to Nik Silver Efex.

I do go into Photoshop, to clean up images. Spot removal, clone stamping and content aware fill. And then I save back to Lightroom.

But I need more. Layers. OK I get the basic principle of layers. I have just not practised it enough to be proficient in it. And now I need to do a selective edit of part of an image – can’t say too much as I want to show the final image and work back from the RAW file – this is the final stage in image one of my Photography Portfolio.

This is not an exercise in churning out a set of 30 images – this is all about taking my work to the next level, so I am going to go through the set of images one by one, doing what is needed to produce a portfolio of a suitable standard. In doing this I will be improving the finished standard of my commercial photography work.

So now I am going to teach myself layers. I am completely self-taught, so this should not be a problem, and will add some new tricks to my skill set. And I have an idea for something I want to experiment with, called luminosity masks. That and getting my sky replacement more polished

See I never run out of things to learn, work on and experiment, which is why I guess my work has developed over the last two years so much. And the fact I enjoy it so much helps – I feel for any photographer who does not absolutely love learning new things all the time to push themselves forward!

I am a subscriber to the Adobe Creative Cloud, which is where my Lightroom software is delivered from, and where I get Photoshop from. I do not use anything else out of the Creative Cloud – well apart from the mobile features in Lightroom that is. Which reminds me – there are some very, very cool Apps now for Photoshop for the IPad which I need to have a play with. When I say IPad I mean IPhone in my case.

So I am now off to learn layers properly, rather than dabbling and playing at it– I will report back when I have done this, and also how to remove things properly.

Thanks for reading this post – hopefully tomorrow there will be a new image for you – nothing for today – sorry!


Monday, 11 April 2016

Photography Portfolio – Day 1 – Ending up with me finding out I am not on Wikipedia! Neither is Industrial Photography!!

Today I start working on the images for my new portfolio for submission to the BIPP for hopefully upgrading my membership status to Associate.

According to the BIPP, Associate is defined as
“Associateship (ABIPP)
A high standard of craftsmanship and creative ability”

“My current level is licentiateship - (LBIPP)
Entry level qualification, showing an established professional level of skill and competence”

I achieved this in 2014. You can view the BIPP website at

I am a believer in professional qualifications. My MCIOB (Member of the Chartered Institute of Building) has served me well over the many years since I achieved this key professional status.

Licentiateship gave me the confidence that I was at a professional standard, and Associate is my aim, after two years of hard but enjoyable work.

So I need to get my portfolio polished, finished and issued. So forgive me but I will write pretty much about the set of 30 images I am going to produce until I am done. As I wrote about in an earlier post, 

I am concentrating on the following areas
Architectural photography
Commercial photography
Industrial photography.

I will have a set of images, and a new set of hope page images, by the end of April 2016. When I say architectural photography I mean photographing buildings, from before they are built to well after they have been built. Any time in the life of a building. I have just done a pre-construciton photography shoot, as well as some virtually completed new houses.

Back to the meaning of architectural photography.

I went to Wikipedia for a definition of architectural photography, and found the following

“Architectural photography is the photographing of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects. Architectural photographers are usually skilled in the use of specialized techniques and equipment.”

Then I thought – what about commercial photography?

Commercial photography is probably best defined as any photography for which the photographer is paid for images rather than works of art. In this light, money could be paid for the subject of the photograph or the photograph itself. Wholesale, retail, and professional uses of photography would fall under this definition

Finally, I tried industrial photography
“The page "Industrial photography" does not exist.”
Oh! Nothing...

Not to worry. I might even start up my own page on Wikipedia. That would be interesting!

Just for fun I checked myself, and guess what…

The page "Rick mcevoy" does not exist
Of course it doesnt. I really might start my own pages. I could be an internet success.

Back to reality. I am going to work on the set of 30 images for submission to the BIPP, starting right now. Please pop back to my blog tomorrow to see if I have produced anything yet!! My full blog can be found at

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Pre-construction photography - the art of preciseness and consistency to produce great results

This week I have taken some before shots of a school that is being completely refurbished. The purpose of this construction photography shoot is to record the visual appearance of the main facade before the construction works commence on site, and then capture the works during construction, and finally immediately upon completion. 

These images will tell the story of this considerable financial investment completely transforming a block in the school.

And the key to doing this is, sorry keys to doing this are

1 - Have a consistent workflow

Each set of images will be taken over a period of time, at different times of the day, and no doubt in different weather conditions. 

My strict image capture workflow means that I am able to record the images in exactly the same way each time. 

2 - Take the shots from exactly the same place. 

I do this by recording the exact position of the camera for each shot. Just like this.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Nik Software - The London Shard Interior Photography - alternative edits!

Today on my photography blog you can view a selection of edits of an interior photography shot of the London Shard.

I have included the original unedited RAW file, the Lightroom edit from two years ago, the Lightroom edit I did last week (showing how much I have progressed in the last two years!).

I have also included some edits done using the new, free from Google, Nik software to show quickly what can be done.

The edits were done in 
Nik Silver Efex Pro
Nik Colour Efex Pro
Nik HDR Pro

Check out this post at

To view these images

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Dorset landscape photography images

so here are my 12 Dorset landscape photography images.

In no order whatsoever they are

Mupe Bay photographed from Arish Mell beach

This is one of my favourite images taken on the Jurassic Coast. I love the contrast in the three main colours, the blue of the sky, the yellowy orange of the sunset, and the green grass on the sloping land.

This is not one of the most common images of the Dorset Jurassic Coast, partially as the land is often closed as there are military firing ranges to the right!

In the background to the left is Weymouth, hiding in the sunset.

Fields, Dorchester

This is an image that I had completely forgotten about!

Captures on the road from Dorchester to Weymouth, this is a rare telephoto zoom Dorset landscape photography shot. I used to only use a wide angle lens for landscape photography.

This shot has the classic leading lines, as well as two bright and vibrant colours along with lots of texture. Plus one wonky telephone pole. Put them all together and you get a picture of Dorset I am really happy with.

Misty track

Now this is a recent favourite of mine. I was driving to Salisbury one morning, and spotted this track in the mist.

I had to stop and take this shot. The morning sun was just beginning to appear, so all I captured here was the lingering ends of the mist before the sun burnt it off, giving wonderful soft light. The gate at the end gives a focal point to lovely Dorset image.

Bats Head, Dorset

From above Durdle Door, if you look right, or to the west, this is what you see. Bat’s head. Another great site on the Dorset Jurassic Coast. This is one of my older pictures of Dorset, which I have not re-edited, as I like this shot just the way it is.

The star of this picture of Dorset is the glowing sun on the cliff face.

Durdle Door

This really is a world famous landmark, photographed one cold winters evening when there was absolutely no-one there but me. A great subject, a great sky, still clouds and moving water all combine to produce this slightly different picture of Durdle Door.

Picture of a field, WInterbourne Abbas, Dorset

My favourite field. I have photographed this field a lot. I like the contours and its west facing slopes. And the fact I can park the car pretty close which always helps!

For this shot I decided to give it a little tweak in Lightroom, taking the feel of the image in a slightly different direction. I have produced lots of different versions of this shot, but this is my favourite at the time of writing this, but don’t be surprised to see a different version up here!!

Kimmeridge Bay at sunrise

Waiting. Landscape photography is all about waiting for the right moment, the right light. And in this case the right wave, doing the right thing, just where I want it to.

I got down low for this shot, giving the prominence to the rock in the foreground adding a sense of depth and drama to this scene. I have tried to capture and portray the textures in the rocks and water in this hot, which is very much about the water and how it has shaped the view.

Cove Shop, Lulworth Cove

Lulworth Cove is a very, very, popular destination. Why? Because it is fantastic.  I like this shop, which you walk past on the way down to the cove. I captured it early one morning while they were stocking up on fresh supplies for the day.

I love the light spilling out of the shop, and the mood that this image evokes.

Portland viewed from Ringstead Bay

A very stylish shot of Portland, photographed from Ringstead Bay. Another slightly different view of a very well known Dorset landmark. The light, as ever, made this shot. Great timing on my part – I will take credit for that, and for pointing he camera in the right direction, but with a scene like this it is hard to take a bad photo!

Lovely warm textures and colours – you can almost feel the glow of the sun on the moving water.

Portland Bill Lighthouse, Dorset

Another often photographed Dorset scene, Portland Bill Lighthouse. It takes a while to get there, but this is an absolutely fantastic Dorset location. The long exposure effect provides a dramatic background, with the colours in the lighthouse structure reflecting, complimenting and contrasting with the colours in the sky.

Moody, morning mist in Dorset

A bit of a dark image. I wanted something to contrast all the bright shots in this collection – something a bit different.

This is very much a mood shot. Deep mist over the West Dorset hills as the sun rises. The mist is being illuminated above the lines of trees as the sun is appearing.

West Bay beach and cliffs

Once described be me as Gold Cap (I know it should be Golden Cap), this is actually the view looking the other way from West bay beach, towards Burton Bradstock. Another great Dorset view with lots going on in the sky and a very enticing beach leading to those lovely golden cliffs.