Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth – Rick McEvoy HDR Photographer

Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth – Rick McEvoy HDR Photographer

This is the merged HDR image. This is a combination of the three images, one correctly exposed, one deliberately underexposed by one stop, and the third image deliberately over exposed by one stop.

I have done no further processing to this image other than the HDR processing, no adjustment of levels, contrast, sharpening etc. I will work on this image and the three images used to produce this HDR image, and post the finished image later this week.

All images were taken on my Canon Eos 5D, with a 17-40mm F4 L lens, aperture F16, ISO 400, and exposures of 1/100th of a second, 1/200th of a second and finally 1/50th of  second.

I use auto-bracketing on my camera to produce the set of three images.

I exported the images as Tiff files from Adobe Lightroom into Photomatix 4.2 and produce a single HDR (High Dynamic Range) image.

For more information about the Spinnaker Tower visit

Rick McEvoy Architectural Photography.

Visit my website for more information and photographs at

Rick McEvoy Dorset, Hampshire, South East, South West, London

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