Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth – Rick McEvoy HDR Photography

Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth – Rick McEvoy HDR Photography

This is the second image of the Spinnaker Tower. The first image was taken on my Canon Eos 5D using my 17-40mm F4 L lens with an exposure of 1/100th of a second at f16, ISO 400. This image was taken using an exposure of 1/200th of a second, f16, ISO 400. By increasing the shutter speed by one stop I have reduced the amount of light the sensor receives by one stop, achieving an underexposed image.
I use auto-bracketing on my camera to produce a set of three images, the first one the correct exposure, the second photograph one stop under-exposed and the third shot one stop over exposed. The reason for this is that quite often it is not possible to capture the whole tonal range in a scene.
What I am going to do is merge the three images, identical apart from the exposure. I am going to export them from Adobe Lightroom into Photomatix 4.2 and produce a single HDR (High Dynamic Range) image.
For more information about the Spinnaker Tower visit
Rick McEvoy Architectural Photography.
Visit my website for more information and photographs at
Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer in Dorset, Hampshire, South, London


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