Monday, 30 May 2016

Stunning sunset picture of Bracklesham Bay - another fantastic sunset

Today on my blog at I write all about this stunning Hampshire Photography image taken at Bracklesham Bay in Hampshire.

Bracklesham Bay - stunning sunset - one of my best pictures of Hampshire

Today on my blog at I write about this sunset shot of Bracklesham Bay, one of my favourite pictures of Hampshire

RNLI Memorial, Poole, Dorset

I have tried to create a striking version of this Poole photographer image - a bit different from my usual photography subject matter but an important and prominent picture of a landmark in Dorset.

Hampshire Photographer Richard's Retreat - if only it were mine!

An old story from Hampshire Photographer me, Richard - the image says it all really!

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Friday, 27 May 2016

An improvement to Adobe Lightroom CC please adobe

I had a thought. HDR Merge is a fantastic feature in Adobe Lightroom CC.

You do a quick HDR merge and voila - a brand new dng file is created, which is to all intents a brand new RAW file.
All good and very impressive.

Try doing it to 45 sets of bracketed images. One after another.

There must be a better way.....

Check out my blog post yesterday at to read about my thought skin this subject

Thursday, 26 May 2016

My new Hampshire Photographer page on my website

This post is all about my new Hampshire Photography Page, and in the next 12 days I will be posting and writing about these 12 new images.

A new page. 12 new images. Something I enjoy doing. Assembling 12 pictures of Hampshire for my website.

OK - I am excited to be doing this.

I recently revamped my Dorset Photographer page, which you can get to at, and am now doing the same thing to my Hampshire Photographer page, which you can access now at and see what is there before I begin the update. If that makes sense?

I will post the new images on a daily basis, and then once that is done I will update the page and the text.

I do it this way so I can concentrate and produce a logical collection of images that are Hampshire to me. I also want text for each image (and to be honest back of house SEO work), all tied up.

Yes, I want everyone to see my lovely Hampshire photography work, but I am in business so I do need to get work out of my website, or my shop, as I like to think of my website.

One dilemma I had was which way to go with the image sets themselves. Which images to include, representing what?

Option 1 was to go with location specific urban shots of Southampton, Portsmouth, Winchester, Basingstoke, Andover (apologies if our town is not in this list – this is just the places I go most often in Hampshire).

Then I thought about that. And decided that no, these locations could each be pages of their own in the future, so I have decided to put together a collection of pictures of Hampshire, which to be honest could have been taken anywhere in Hampshire, but are representative of the countryside in this lovely county. An inland collection if you like.

My Dorset Photography collection was mainly coastal, my Hampshire Photography collection will be mainly inland.

So that is it. And the process begins with a new Lightroom Collection which I will add to over the coming fortnight.

Thanks for reading this post, and please come back to my blog tomorrow for Hampshire image number 1.


Welcome to my brand new Hampshire Photography page.


On this new page on my website I feature a new collection of 12 of my favourite pictures of Hampshire. I also write about the images on this page, and will write in more detail on my blog over the next fortnight all about these images and my work as a photographer in Hampshire.


This is a brand new selection of Hampshire pictures I have taken, put together in May 2016, having recently done the same for my Dorset photography page with great success. You can get straight to this page at the following link


I have decided to include a set of 12 landscape photography images. A set of images which are not location specific, but together represent for me the county of Hampshire. I have a commercial photography portfolio, featuring my architectural, commercial and industrial photography work. I now have a separate landscape photography portfolio, featuring by best current pictures of Hampshire and also of Dorset.


These landscape photography portfolios are the basis of some new products I am working on, which I hope to launch in the Autumn of 2016.


So back to my new Hampshire Photographer page. That is what the URL for the page is –


I have other pages on my website that showcase my commercial photography work, so this page of images of Hampshire is more of a personal collection of work.


I will be producing separate pages showing my photography of Southampton, Portsmouth, Winchester, Basingstoke and other urban areas in the county. And of course I have separate pages for my commercial work.


All this other stuff means that I can produce this web page just for my Hampshire photography work. So the pressure is off and I can produce a set of 12 images that I like, and hopefully a set of images a bit different to those of other photographers in Hampshire.


Pictures of the New Forest feature quite prominently, obviously a very popular location for lots of other Hampshire Photographers, but hopefully my collection is a bit different.


The images selected are as follows, in no particular order;


Richards Retreat

A bit self indulgent? Yes. But I saw this scene and it made me smile. I guess the New Forest is a retreat for me from day to day stuff, one of my favourite places to go with my camera and find something new. This sign was clearly meant for me so has to be included! A nice gentle picture of Hampshire. This was taken on my Canon EOS 5D, 1/60th second, F4, ISO400.


Yellow Field near Hambledon – the dramatic ground level view.

One of my absolute favourite Hampshire landscape photography shots, taken in May 2016. After concentrating on the high views looking down, I decided to go for a change of angle, this shot being taken by me holding my camera just above the ground. I wanted this effect, with the opening in the yellow leading the eye into the picture. A vibrant blue sky helps, with a band of white cloud framing everything. Taken using live view, 1/1250th second, F8, ISO400, 17mm on my Canon 17-40mm F4L lens on my Canon EOS 6D.


Yellow Field near Hambledon – the dramatic high level view!!.

The same field, the same day. Taken from a height of about 4 metres looking down on the field (to find out how keep checking my blog at where I will eventually reveal all). This is the shot I stopped for and wanted to get. The first image is the bonus, this is what I was actually looking for. Not quite aerial photography material, but getting there. Canon EOS 6D, 17-40mm F4 L Lens, 1/2000th second, F8, ISO400. This is one of my favourite Hampshire images, so pleased to get two great shots at the same time.


The New Forest – look up in the winter!

Looking up from the ground, trees all around, a deep blue sky, white fluffy clouds. Doesn’t really matter where this was taken, but it was in the New Forest. The key to this composition was to look up, and also use an ultra-wide angle lens to get this view. Taken on my Canon EOS 6D, using my 8-15mm F4L fisheye zoom lens, at 15mm. 1/1000th second, F8, ISO400, lying on my back.


The New Forest – look up in the summer!

Different location. Same idea. Same lens. Same viewpoint. But completely different colours. A big mass of summer green, a splash of blue and the sun up there somewhere. The same but different – that is the beauty of photography – the endless possibilities. Again taken on my Canon EOS 6D, using my 8-15mm F4L fisheye zoom lens, at 15mm. 1/8000th second, F8, ISO400, lying on my back. Virtually identical settings!!


Bracklesham Bay Beach at sunset

Bracklesham Bay. A great Hampshire coastal photography location, especially at sunset. I deliberately framed this shot to get the timber groyne prominent in the foreground, but could only fit in a bit of the sky. The main feature in this shot though is the water, which I managed to capture like this using a 30 second exposure, F11, ISO50 on my Canon EOS 5D with 17-40mm F4L lens. I was hoping that I would get lots of colours in the water, which thankfully I did.


Bracklesham Bay at sunset


Same location, same exposure, different viewpoint. I framed this shot to make the timber groyne lead your eye in the same direction as the dramatic sky. I like both images taken at this location, only 6 minutes apart, this image being captured at 7:31pm to be precise. I love the colours, the flat water, the calmness and the glowing feeling of this lovely sunset image.


The New Forest – this is what it looks like all over the place!!

Paths forming leading lines. Nice. Something conventional in my collection of Hampshire photographs. This was taken using an elevated height of 5m, giving a different viewpoint making the composition unusual and interesting. Nice white dreamy clouds, greens and yellows on the ground all under a blue sky make for a nice New Forest picture. Exposure for this shot was 1/200th second, F8, ISO 400, Canon 6D with 17-40mm F4L lens at 19mm.


Misty Leafy Track – a lovely composition and feel to this shot

Another case of seeing a scene when driving one misty November morning. Not a typical Hampshire photography scene by any means, but a lovely scene all the same. I am always looking for interesting scenes to photograph, but don’t always have the time to stop and take photographs - however on this morning I did thankfully. Not that it took me long. This is the scene I saw, I just walked up the track, took three shots then got back in the car! It doesn’t always work like that but I am delighted with this image. 1/1250th second, F8, ISO 400, Canon 6D with 70-200mm F4L IS lens at 155mm focal length.


Sunset just off the A31 at Pickets Post – striking winter sunset

Driving back from a day on site I came across this evening scene. Driving down the A31 back to Dorset at 5.40pm I could see the sky ahead doing this, so I stopped at a car park in the New Forest just off the A31 by Picket Post, and got this shot which I love. I included the tree as the bareness of it contrasted with the warmth in the January sunset. 1/640th second, F8, ISO640, Canon EOS 6D with 70-200mm F4L Lens at the 70mm short end of the zoom range.


Low sun cutting across trees in the New Forest

Back on the A31 one evening, with the sun cutting across me, I decided to see what these trees looked like. I know the New Forest well, so can quickly get to locations that capture what is happening with the light. This was no exception. I do like different photos of Hampshire like this one. The low winter sun was literally cutting sideways across the landscape, and I knew these tress would provide light and shade to capture this dramatic evening light. 1/100th second, F8, ISO1600. Canon EOS 6D, focal length 31mm on my 17-400mm F4L lens.


Trees with the light catching in them

The last of my Hampshire photos. Something different for me. Another scene that caught my eye. It was the direction of the light through the trees that literally caught my eye. This shot has also made a great black and white image, where I have pumped up the contrast. This shot has a lovely warm fell to it. Processed very simply in Lightroom only. This shot was take using my Canon EOS6D, 70-200mm F4 L Lens at 70mm, 1/250th second, F8, ISO200.


That’s all from me, Rick McEvoy Photography, Photographers Hampshire (sorry but I do have to get some SEO value out of my text!).


Please subscribe to my blog at where you can keep up with me and my daily photography ramblings. Yes I do post to my blog every single day of the year, and this is the best place to go for news and updates about and from me. - Rick McEvoy Photography – Photographers Hampshire



Hampshire photography

Photographer Hampshire

Photographers Hampshire

Hampshire photographer

Photographers in Hampshire

Hampshire photographers

Photography Hampshire

Aerial photography Hampshire

Photographer in Hampshire

Pictures of Hampshire

Hampshire pictures

Images of Hampshire

Hampshire images

Photos of Hampshire

Photos Hampshire

Hampshire photos

Hampshire photographs

Photography in Hampshire

Hampshire landscape photography

Photographers in Hampshire UK


Actual keywords used


Hampshire Photography, pictures of Hampshire, photographer in Hampshire,

Hampshire pictures, landscape photography images, county of Hampshire, commercial photography portfolio, landscape photography portfolio, pictures of Hampshire, landscape photography, Hampshire Photographer, images of Hampshire, photographers in Hampshire, pictures of the New Forest, Hampshire Photographers, picture of Hampshire, Canon EOS 5D, Yellow Field near Hambledon, dramatic ground level view, Hampshire landscape photography, Canon 17-40mm F4L lens, Canon EOS 6D, dramatic high level view, Hampshire images, ultra-wide angle lens, Bracklesham Bay Beach at sunset, Hampshire photographs, Hampshire photography, Canon 70-200mm F4L IS lens, Pickets Post, striking winter sunset, photos of Hampshire, Hampshire photos, Photographers Hampshire, Photographers Hampshire




Yellow Field - three different edits - which do you prefer?

Which is your favourite of these three pictures of Hampshire?

Check out my all New Hampshire Photographer page at

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Yellow Field by Hampshire Photographer me

Big bright yellow field in Hampshire by me, Rick McEvoy.

I write about this Hampshire photographer image today on my blog

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Monday, 23 May 2016

New Black and White Hampshire Photography Image

Hampshire Photography by Rick McEvoy

Read all about this new black and white Hampshire Photography image today on my blog

Sunday, 22 May 2016

New Poole Photography today in my blog

New iPhone photo from me Poole Photographer Rick today on my blog at

Jetty, Lake Windermere

And here is the image taken by my, landscape photographer Rick

Old black and white landscape photography today on my blog

A nice black and white landscape photography image today on my blog at 

I wanted to just post a nice image today so ignore the waffle below if you want to.

And don't forget I have a landscape photography page at which includes examples of my work as a landscape photographer 

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Sandbanks Chain Ferry Video

Today on this wet Saturday on my you can view a video of the Sandbanks Chain Ferry on a day when it wasn't raining! 

Friday, 20 May 2016

Yellow Field - New Hampshire Photography on my blog today

I write about this new Hampshire Photography image today on my blog.

The viewpoint and composition make this shot which is one of my favourite recent Hampshire landscape photography images 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

New Dorset Photography today in my blog

Today on my blog More new Dorset Photography - another bright yellow Spring scene

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

New black and white architectural photography on my blog today

The black and white set of five architectural photography images are on my blog today at

This is one of the five images 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

New architecture images today on my blog

Check out my new blog post today at where I have posted a set of five new architecture images of the Wellington Memorial in Hampshire.

This is one of them

Another one of my new pictures of Hampshire

Yellow Field by Hampshire Photographer Rick McEvoy

Hampshire Photographer Rick McEvoy
I like this shot. Today on my I write about this Hampshire landscape photography shot, and my bad HDR habit I have just broken.

You can view more of my pictures of Hampshire here

Sunday, 15 May 2016

The shot I didn't get as I was in a hurry!! A big black barn in a yellow field

Today on my blog I write about this great Dorset landscape photography location and the shot I didn't get!

Check out my Dorset Photographer for more

Saturday, 14 May 2016

iPhone Photography in Hampshire edited using a new App

This afternoon on my blog a quick post about this image

Hampshire photographer playing with a new App on my IPhone called Lucid

Friday, 13 May 2016

Thursday, 12 May 2016

New architectural photography image

New architectural photography image today on my

I am an architectural photographer in Hampshire

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Architectural Interior Photography in Dorset

Photography Portfolio Image Number 5 – Hamworthy Park Junior School, Poole, Dorset

A brand new architectural photographer in Dorset image today on my main blog at

Monday, 9 May 2016

Acquisition International Announce the Winners of the 2016 Business Excellence Awards - and I have won an award - Best for architectural photography!

Rick McEvoy Photography

Best for Architectural Photography - UK

I have won an award. Yes seriously.

This is the press release.

"Acquisition International Announce the Winners of the 2016 Business Excellence Awards

United Kingdom, April 2016 – Acquisition International Magazine have announced the winners of the 2016 Business Excellence Awards.

The prestigious Business Excellence Awards were first established to highlight and celebrate the outstanding performance and results achieved by the leading lights across the corporate world, despite working within increasingly competitive markets.

Whilst we understand that there are many aspects to a business' success, corporate leaders are at the forefront of all industry development and bear a vast responsibility, utilising their ingenuity, creativity and industry experience to steer their firm through trying economic times. Overcoming adversity is key to good business leadership, and these awards reward those who have worked tirelessly to help both their business and the wider industry to survive despite operating in an increasingly tough corporate climate.

Laura Hunter, Awards Coordinator commented on how proud she was to chair these prestigious awards: “This awards program showcases the talent, dedication and sheer drive of business leaders from across both the globe and the corporate landscape. I am truly honoured to be able to highlight their achievements and wish them continued success in the future.”

Acquisition International prides itself on the validity of its awards and winners. The awards are given solely on merit and are awarded to commend those most deserving for their ingenuity and hard work, distinguishing them from their competitors and proving them worthy of recognition.

To learn more about our award winners and to gain insight into the working practices of the “best of the best”, please visit the Acquisition International website ( where you can access the winners supplement."


I don't know who nominated me, but this is nice. Some has taken the time and effort, and had the thought in the first palce, to submit my details as "best for architectural photography - UK".

Whoever they are - thank you!

Must update my marketing to include "award winning photographer"!

Links to the press release and the page where I am below too.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Friday, 6 May 2016

A new interior photography image today on my blog

Today on my blog at I write about one of my interior photographer images of Cornwall and the black and white conversion using Nik Silver Efex Pro software

Thursday, 5 May 2016

New interior photography shot on my blog

NToday on my Squarespace Blog you can read all about a new piece of work as an interior photographer in Cornwall.

New interior photography work on my blog today

Today on my blog you read about this image, its creation and its processing.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Backup your data - read todays boring but important blog post

Today read all about backing up your data. Well how I back up my data.

Rick McEvoy Blog

I am a professional photographer in Dorset specialising in Architectural Photography and Interior photography

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

New portfolio image - architectural photography in Dorset

I'm Today on my main blog you can read about this construction photography image which is in my new architectural photographer portfolio

Monday, 2 May 2016

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Landscape Photography 1 minute edit

Today on my blog a 1 minute edit from my landscape photographer archive catalogue!