Thursday, 27 September 2012

Rick McEvoy HDR Photography Blog

I have just updated by Blog about HDR Photography at

This is the third of the images used in the HDR shot. This shot is overexposed by one stop, using the auto-bracketing on my Canon Eos 5D. This exposure brings out the details in the shadows but the steps, brought out in the underexposed image, are blown out completely.
Rick McEvoy Photography

You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery
Or check my home page for more information
Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Rick McEvoy Dorset Photographer HDR Photography Blog

I have just updated by Blog about HDR Photography at

This is the second of the images used in the HDR shot. This shot is underexposed by one stop, using the auto-bracketing on my Canon Eos 5D. This exposure brings out the details in the steps lost in the “correct” exposure shot.

Rick McEvoy Photography

You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery

Or check my home page for more information

Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Rick McEvoy Dorset Photographer HDR Photography Blog

I have just updated by Blog about HDR Photography at

This image is the correct exposure. The image is ok but the camera, a Canon Eos 5D, cannot capture the full dynamic range, meaning that detail is lost and there are areas of highlights and shadows which are not correctly exposed.

The steps are one such area on this shot, which are washed out due to being overexposed. There is also a lack of depth in the shadows.

Tomorrow I will upload the next, underexposed image.

Rick McEvoy Photography

You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery

Or check my home page for more information

Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Monday, 24 September 2012

HDR Photography Blog

have just updated by Blog about HDR Photography at

Here I have uploaded another HDR image, processed using Photomatix. Read my blog for more info.

Rick McEvoy Photography

You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery

Or check my home page for more information

Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Friday, 21 September 2012

HDR Photography Blog

I have just updated by Blog about HDR Photography at

This is the third of the three images used in the HDR shot. This is overexposured by 1 stop, and looks overexposed, especially with the white facade of the church. The details that are lost in the other exposures are picked up here though.

Rick McEvoy Photography

You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery

Or check my home page for more information

Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London


Thursday, 20 September 2012

HDR Photography Blog

I have just updated by Blog about HDR Photography, which you can read in full, and view the photo, at
Rick McEvoy Photography
You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery
Or check my home page for more information
Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

HDR Photography Blog

I have just updated by Blog which you can read at

Rick McEvoy Photography

You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery

Or check my home page for more information

Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Rhodes HDR SHot

I have just posted a new blog on my website at

"Attached is one shot from the shoot on the Greek Island of Rhodes.
This shot was taken at the The Castle of Monolithos in Rhodes.
According to the website "Monolithos is a small village 70 km to the south west of Rhodes town. On top of a huge, 300-feet rock standing above the village, a Venetian Castle was built in 1480 to protect the area from pirates and enemies. The Castle is today ruined but offers great views to the beach of Fourni and the two islets just opposite the coast. To reach this Castle, you have to climb a narrow path with many steps, among lush greenery."
The shot was edited in Photomatix Pro 4.2, merging together three RAW files, giving the correct tonal range not possible with one shot. I will post the three separate files that make up this single image.
Rick Mcevoy Photography
You can view more shots from Greece, taken on the island of Symi, on my online gallery
Or check my home page for more information
Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London

Monday, 17 September 2012

New Architectural Photography Gallery - Symi, Greece

I have uploaded a new gallery on my "New Stuff" gallery.

Click on the link to view 10 brand new architectural photography images taken on the Greek Island of Symi.

Rick McEvoy Commercial Photographer Dorset, Hampshire, South, London